CAA Magazine

I was the Art Director for CAA Magazine for many years, which goes out to over 3 million CAA members across Ontario and Atlantic Canada (the #1 circulated magazine in the country!). The book contained a mix of inspirational travel stories and fun automotive content, plus practical tips on finance, insurance and community and local CAA club news. Stories were brought to life through amazing on-location photography shot around the globe and delightful illustrations from a talented roster of artists.


client: CAA South Central Ontario | CAA Niagara | CAA North East Ontario | CAA Atlantic
agency: Strategic Content Labs (St. Joseph Communications)
photography: Adam McCulloch, Andrew Faulk, Elaine Hill, Guillaume Mégevand, Ian Patterson, Leah Overstreet, Naomi Finlay, Natasha Lee, Patrick King, Saroyan Humphrey, Ulf Svane
illustration: Angela Southern, Bill Russell, Claire Owen, Edward McGowan, Giordano Poloni, Joel Castillo, L-Dopa, Steve Scott, Tim Lahan, Wayne Reuben


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